Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Midnight News -- 8/16/06

Back from the road after a long presentation, a long drive, and two fairly long flights punctuated by a three hour layover. I was single for many years, and I have to say about the best thing I've ever experienced is coming home late at night to a warm meal and an appreciative wife.

Travelling so much I missed most of the news. I know the basics, but didn't have any time read a full article or read any blogs. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up tomorrow, and will probably have a lot to say about the score increases reported for the ACT exam. For now, just the midnight news:

Hezbollah, an illegal, private army, is trying to negotiate to retain it's bunkers and armaments south of the Litani River.

A Russian patrol boat fired on a Japanese crabbing boat sailing near the Kurile Islands. The two countries fought a war 100 years ago that ended disastrously for Russia, and even though this appears to be a minor incident, I can't help but notice the symmetry. UPDATE: The headline writer at Times Online was asleep at the switch: "Russia shoots dead Japanese fisherman". What can a dead man do to get himself shot?

To the great dismay of Japan's neighbors, that country's prime minister paid a visit a a shrine for Japanese World War II dead on the anniversary of the war's end.

Someone in Pakistan bought houses for the figures at the center of the Britain airplane bomb plot. "Experts argue that heightened vigil could have easily sniffed the mismatch between the high-volume transactions and the modest net worth of the recipients." Yes, but that would require we watch bank transfers and review phone call records, and that's just nosy.

A man in Kansas City was crushed by a car he was working to repair. Neighbors eventually noticed his legs sticking out from underneath the vehicle and called for help, but the man had been dead for hours by that time.

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